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Domestic Curriculum Vitae




PATRICK J. B. DUFFY, Ph.D., R.P.F.(Ret.) 
#303 - 3373 Capilano Crescent
North Vancouver, BC  V7R 4W7
Tel: (778) 340-7572  

Web Site:


Born September 28, 1932 


B.S.F. (Forestry) University of British Columbia, 1955 
M.F. (Forestry) Yale University, 1956 
Ph.D. (Land Use Planning) University of Minnesota, 1962

Senior Management Course (12 weeks), 1971; Arctic Summer School, University of Alberta, 1978; Federal-Provincial Relations; Financial Financial Management for Senior Managers (1986); GIS, SPANS System, 1990; B.C. Fish/Forestry Guidelines Training, 1993; Environmental Impacts of Forest Management, 1994; Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 1995; Conflict Resolution Certificate (Negotiation, Mediation, Facilitation), Justice Institute of B.C., 1998; Continuing Forestry Education Certificate (ABCPF/CIF) 1998, 2004, 2010 and (for CIF) 2013; Agriculture Watershed Management Course, Graduate Level - 3 credits, University of British Columbia, 2002.



  • Integrated land resource surveys and management

  • Environmental impact assessment and planning

  • Major project planning and permitting

  • Government organization and operations

  • Course planning and delivery

  • Facilitation/Conflict Resolution



P.J.B. Duffy and Associates
North Vancouver, B.C



Duffy, Patrick J.B., 2023

"Pat's Trail: a Memoir." 274 pp., 120 photos, Publisher: Patrick J.B. Duffy


Mentor to undergraduate students in Forestry Faculty at University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada.


National Energy Board, Participant Funding Committee on the Enbridge 9b Pipeline Reversal (Sarnia to Montreal).

Named to the Canadian National Energy Board Consultant Roster on Participant Funding.


CEAA Funding Review Committee for the proposed Site C Hydro Dam and Reservoir in British Columbia.


FRC on the Schaft Creek Multi-metal Mine near Telegraph Creek, British Columbia, for the CEAA. 


Funding Review Committee (FRC) on the Kitsault Moly Mine near Alice Arm, British Columbia, for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA).


Proposal writing for a land fill rehabilitation project in Dakar, Senegal, for Sustainable Cities of Vancouver (formerly International Centre for Sustainable Cities.)

Advisor on intervener funding on the Bute Inlet Hydro Project proposal, British Columbia, for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.


Senior environmental analyst and panel advisor to the Joint Review Panel on the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline project on the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline, for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Ottawa.   


Seminar on international consulting on environmental and natural resource management, Thompson Rivers University Environmental Studies Seminar Series, Kamloops, B.C.

Advisor on intervenor funding on the DeltaPort Project at Vancouver and on the Kemess Mine Proposal, northern BC, for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA), Ottawa.

Facilitator for a workshop on "Invasive Alien Species" for the Pacific Federal Council, Science and Technology Subcommittee, through Environment Canada, at Victoria, BC.


Seminar on public participation for developing country situations, Capilano College, North Vancouver.

Reviewing the draft environmental screening report on the Kaska Forest Resources Timber Harvesting Agreement, for the Environment Directorate of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), Whitehorse, Yukon.


Proposal writing for the International Centre for Sustainable Communities for CIDA to work in Thailand and Sri Lanka for the International Centre for Sustainable Cities (now Sustainable Cities) Vancouver, for CIDA.

Conference rapporteur, Muskwa-Kechika Management Area Reporting Workshop. Fort St. John, B.C. January 2002. For the B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

Planning and facilitation of a consultative meeting with local residents on a wildlife issue in the Fraser River Delta area B.C., for the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada.

Contributor, International Year of the Mountain Program Review, Banff, Alberta for Environment Canada.


Preparation of generic environmental assessment guidelines for major forestry projects in Yukon, for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Whitehorse, Yukon, with W.K. Klassen and Associates Ltd., Whitehorse.

Facilitation of the Yukon Forest Summit Workshop at Whitehorse, Yukon, April 2001, with co-facilitator Glen Sigurdson, for the Economic Development Department, Yukon Territorial Government.

An evaluation of the documentation on the Environmental Assesment Panel Reviews of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Project Proposal (1977-82) in relation to the present-day Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA), Hull, Quebec.


Workshop leader on preparing for consulting work in Central and Latin America, for the Latin American Business Programme, Capilano College, North Vancouver.


Project leader to carry out an operational and program review of the first five years of the activity of the International Centre for Sustainable Cities and to serve as resource person in a subsequent strategic planning exercise, Vancouver.


Needs assessment for Adaptive Management Training, with ESSA Technologies Ltd., for B.C. Ministry of Forests.

Course director, CEAA training for staff of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada from across Canada, Edmonton

Facilitator for a tri-national workshop creating the North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, NAFTA  Environmental Side Agreement, Puebla, Mexico.


Facilitator, Regional Conference on Adapting to Climate Change in B.C. and Yukon, at Vancouver, for Environment Canada.


Facilitator and consultant to the Gun Lake Ratepayers Association on conflicts with a forest products company over a proposed cutting (Lilloet Forest District, B.C.).

Consultant, Cooks Ferry Indian Band (Spences Bridge, B.C.) on a problem analysis of a cow-calf operation dependent on irrigated forage crops.

Resource person in public consultation for a Capilano College training module for officials of the Shanghai Port Authority, at Vancouver.

Workshop leader on "EIA in B.C. today", Centre for Human Settlements and on "EIA in Less Developed Countries", School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 1989 - 2000.



Team leader for environmental assessment training for First Nations tribal councils and bands in northern B.C. for Indian Affairs Canada, with ESSA Technologies Ltd. and others as subcontractors.

Senior environmental consultant (1992 - 1995) to the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation, Dease Lake, B.C. in the planning and permitting of a small hydro project to be completed in 1997, sub to Stothert Engineering Ltd., Vancouver.

Facilitator and resource person at an environmental assessment workshop for managers in Transport Canada - Aviation, Pacific Region, at Vancouver.


Resource person for seminar/workshop on "EIA case studies in developing countries" for professionals from Indonesia and China, University of British Columbia Centre for Human Settlements, under the auspices of CIDA.


Environmental forestry consultant to prepare a tree preservation plan for a 60 hectare urban development at Chilliwack, B.C., with SEAFOR Forestry Consultants, Richmond, B.C.

Senior environmental consultant to Haidra Power Ltd. in the planning of a small hydro project on the Queen Charlotte Islands (Stothert Engineering Ltd.).

Environmental consultant to the Skookumchuk Indian Band on the rehabilitation of a small hydro facility, drinking water supply, and community site planning, with CESO Aboriginal Services, Vancouver.


Consultant to Canadian Mountain Holidays Limited in the planning of forestry operations which are compatible with heli-skiing activities north of Revelstoke, with SEAFOR Forestry Consultants Ltd. as subs.

Coordinator of the conference stream "Tools and techniques: advances in environmental management and pollution control' for Globe `92 Conference and Trade Fair, Vancouver, British Columbia.


Preparation of a public discussion paper on a forest management policy for the Government of the Northwest Territories with sub-contractors, Dr. Peter Murphy, Associate Dean of Forestry, University of Alberta, and W.D. Ewing of SEAFOR Forestry Consultants Ltd.

Course planner and resource person for 1991 and 1992 environmental impact assessment courses for Canadian federal public servants in B.C., Alberta, Yukon and N.W.T. in collaboration with ESSA Ltd., for the Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Office, Ottawa.

Forestry specialist in a tourism sector study as part of the Clayoquot Sound Sustainable Development Strategy Project for the Government of B.C. through MacLaren Plansearch Inc.

Environmental consultant in the preparation of environmental guidelines for the woodlands operations of forest products companies in B.C., through SEAFOR Forestry Consultants Ltd.


Planning and executing public consultation on the Federal Environment Minister`s Green Plan, in B.C. and Yukon and facilitating at the National Consultation Wrap-up Meeting, Ottawa, through Stratcom Planning Ltd., for Environment Canada.

Senior environmental consultant to a Canadian-American consortium planning a 230 MW gas-fired power plant in southwest B.C., through Stothert Engineering Ltd.

Rapporteur, Globe `90 Conference and Trade Show, Vancouver.


Evaluation of the Canada-Alberta Agreement on Environmental Assessment, for Environment Canada.

Initial Environmental Assessment for the proposed Arctic Training Centre, Nanisivik, N.W.T. for National Defence, through Delcan Engineering Ltd., Ottawa.

Sessional lecturer (1989-1992) on Environmental Impact Assessment, Department of Geography, University of B.C.

Planner and chairman of public forums on the proposed Cinola Gold Mine, Queen Charlotte Islands, for the B.C. Department of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

Facilitator, Workshop on Project Review and Permitting for the Department of Renewable Resources, Government of the N.W.T., through ESSA Ltd.

Preparation of discussion papers on forest fire detection and on forest management planning in the Northwest Territories as input to a new forest policy, for the Department of Renewable Resources, with Dr. Peter Murphy, Forestry Faculty, University of Alberta.

State of the Prairie Environment Report prepared for Environment Canada, Western and Northern Region, Edmonton.

Facilitator for a workshop on Environmental Assessment and Review Policies and Procedures for B.C. Hydro.

Development of an Environmental Regulatory Management Strategy for B.C. Hydro, with ESSA Ltd.

Preparation of a discussion paper on Tanker Safety and Marine Spills, for the Department of Renewable Resources, Government of the N.W.T., with subcontractor Hatfield Consultants Ltd.


Distinguished Visiting Northern Lecturer, Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary, on achieving sustainable development in the North.

Report finalization: "The future of Canada`s forest products industry" for Woodbridge Reed Forest Economics Consultants, H.A. Simons (International) Ltd., Vancouver.

Technical field trip planner and guide for Sri Lanka Mahawehli Project Engineer, Southern B.C. water management projects, for CIDA.

Facilitator for Regional Conference on Climatic Change: Implications to B.C. For Environment Canada.


Regional Director, Atlantic, then Northern Region
Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office,
Ottawa/Hull, Canada

Chairman, Environmental Assessment Panels on the Norman Wells Oil Field Expansion and Pipeline, Slave River Hydro, Dempster Gas Pipeline, and the Hamilton Regional Airport Proposals.

Executive Secretary to panels and Project Manager of assessments for the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline (Yukon), Bay of Fundy Tidal Power, Gull Island Hydro (Labrador), Wreck Cove Hydro, and the Manitoba Hydro Nuclear Generation Proposal, and Port Hope Low Level Nuclear Waste Storage Project.

Responsible for the development of government-wide guidelines for the EIA of project proposals, and for the study requirements of project proponents.

Government to government consultant to the Mexican Department of Public Works and Housing to critique the environmental and socio-economic planning for a proposed major oil port development on the Gulf of Mexico coast, and to the Australian and New South Wales Governments on how to overhaul the N.S.W. process of EIA with major improvements. Visiting scholar, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra.

Seconded to the U.N. Environment Programme to assist the Government of Guyana in the environmental planning of the Eclipse Falls Hydro Project and to assess the readiness of the Governments of Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique to participate in the Zambezi River Basin Action Plan, signed in 1987.

Joined in the development and delivery of EIA training courses for federal public servants. Planned and directed 10 week-long workshops on EIA and socio-economic assessment of major projects for mid-career professionals at the Banff Centre School of the Environment. In 1986 served as a delegate to the Workshop on the EIA of Industrial Development in the Doon Valley of India, held at IIASA, Vienna and in 1987 at the European Conference on Industry and Evironmental Management, Interlaken, Switzerland.


Manager, Environment Research Consultants Ltd.
A Division of Crippen Engineering Ltd. and H.A. Simons (International) Ltd., Consulting Engineers
Vancouver, B.C. 
(On a two year Executive Interchange from Environment Canada, Ottawa)

Directly responsible for conducting the business of a consulting firm, including the development of a program of services, setting of objectives, sales program, staffing and budgets. Managed a staff of 10 and coordinated the assignments of 25 specialist consultants on a project basis. Directed assignments on the environmental impact assessment of the Revelstoke Hydro Dam and the proposed McGregor River Diversion (B.C. Hydro), on the physical and biological environment of the Beaufort Sea (Dome Petroleum) on the assessment of a gas gathering and processing industry on the Mackenzie Delta (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada), on a regional planning study for the Far West Region of Nepal (Canadian International Development Agency), and on six ecological studies as a basis for suburban development (District Municipality of North Vancouver, Dunhill Development Corporation, and British Pacific Properties Ltd.).


Chief, Cross-mission Coordination Division, 
Planning and Finance Service. Environment Canada,
Ottawa/Hull, Canada . 
(Career Assignment Program, 2 years).

Chairman of the 12-person Environment Canada Task Force on Environmental Impact Assessment Policy and Prodecure that drafted the Environmental and Assessment Review Process (EARP) which came into effect in 1974.

Led teams to plan and organize major projects such as the Third Crossing of Burrard Inlet Study, the EIA of the Come-by-Chance Refinery, the Gulf of St. Lawrence Study, and the Study of the Columbia River Treaty Scheme and Alternative McNaughton Scheme.

Delegate to the 1974 SCOPE workshop to write a book on "The Principles of EIA for Developing Countries", sponsored by the U.N. Environment Programme and Environment Canada.


National Coordinator, Canada Land Inventory (Forestry) and for Forest Land Research, Department of Regional Economic Expansion and Canadian Forestry Service respectively
Ottawa, Ontario

Coordinator of Canada Land Inventory federal-provincial field and office surveys between provincial centres and federal headquarters. National Program Coordinator of land research field and lab studies (CFS). Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Forest Land.


Land Classification Specialist, 
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Land Research Division, 
Canberra, Australia 
(Transfer of work for technology transfer, one year).

As a team-member, completed and published integrated land resource survey assignments in New South Wales, Northern Territory, and in Papua-New Guinea.


Section Head, Soils and Land Classification Research, 
Canadian Forestry Service, Alberta-Yukon-N.W.T. Region, 
Calgary, Alberta

Researched and developed methods of forest land classification in terms of productivity, in the spruce-aspen mixed wood of north-central Alberta and Lodgepole pine-spruce types of the Alberta Foothills. This work was the basis for the Canada Land Inventory forestry sector in Alberta.


Technical Officer on a one year assignment,
Petawawa Forest Experiment Station,
Chalk River, Ontario

Completed and published forest research on local damaging frost occurrences in the growing season.



As an active member of the Canadian Institute of Forestry he has served as the chairman of the Annual Convention Organizing Committee, the Ottawa Section, the National Forest Management Committee, and the National Forest Policy and Economics Working Group.

Participated in the planning and management of conferences and workshops on environmental and resource management at local, regional, national, and international levels.

Author of some 40 publications in his field, he has lectured at a number of Canadian and overseas universities and has completed training assignments at the Banff Centre, in the federal public service, and overseas.



Association of BC Forestry Professionals
Canadian Institute of Forestry

International Association for Impact Assessment, Section on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Founder and Coordinator, 2004-2010. Serving as advisor to the AFF henceforth.



 Alpine Club of Canada

 Canadian Executive Services Overseas (CESO)

 Canadian Masters Alpine Ski Racing Series

 Hash House Harriers



British Columbia , Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland - Labrador, Yukon, and Northwest Territories.


Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Cambodia , Chile, China, Costa, Rica, Egypt , France, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kenya , Malawi, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Papua-New Guinea, Peru, Russia , St. Lucia, South Korea, Thailand , Turkey, Tunisia, U.S.A., Vietnam, Yemen , Zambia, and Zimbabwe.



English, French, German, learning Spanish.



Duffy, Patrick. 2023. "Pat's Trail: A Memoir", 274 pages, 120 photographs. Published by Patrick J.B. Duffy.

Duffy, Patrick. 2015. Charlotte,  BC, FireSmart Exercise, "Twelve years of Planning and Execution." BC Professional Foresters Magazine, 2015, 1pp.,

Tschirley, Jeff and Patrick Duffy. 2012. Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for FAO Field Projects, 44 pp., Food  and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Publications, 00153 Rome Italy.  Also available electronically at this URL:

Duffy, Patrick. 2004. "Agriculture, forestry and fisheries: the orphans of environmental impact assessment." Guest Editorial. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal Vol. 22, No. 3. Pp.175-176.

____________  2005. "Urban forest inventory: Data management." In: Proc. FAO International Conference on Uran and Peri-urban Forests, Tehran, Iran. July, 2003. 5 pp. (In press).

____________  2005. "Watershed Management in Low Forest Cover Countries." In: Proc. FAO International Conference, Porto Cervo, Sardinia. November, 2003. 6 pp. (In press).

Duffy, Patrick and Elizabeth Migongo-Bake. 2003. "The use of environmental impact assessment in the evaluation of desertification projects in Namibia and Inner Mongolia," Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Vol. 21, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 65-73.

Duffy, P.J.B. 2000. Environmental impact assessment training for sustainable agriculture and rural development: lessons and experiences from Cambodia. In: Human resources in agricultural and rural development. K. Qamar, Editor. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy. pp. 118-129.

Duffy, Patrick and Jeff Tschirley . 2000. Use of environmental impact assessment in addressing chronic environmentally damaging agricultural and rural development practices: examples from Kenya and Cambodia. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal , Vol. 18, No. 2, Pp. 161-167.

Duffy, Patrick and Random DuBois. 1999. Environmental Impact Guidelines: FAO Investment Centre. Guideline No. 1 , 12 pp., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy.

Duffy, Patrick. 1999. EIA training for sustainable agriculture and rural development: lessons and experience from Cambodia, for the Extension, Education and Communication Service of the FAO, Rome.

Widanapathirana, A. and Patrick Duffy. 1998. Learning from an experiment to combat desertification in China. Desertification Control Bulletin , No. 33, pp. 62 – 70.

Duffy, Patrick. 1998. Environmental impact assessment training for sustainable agriculture and rural development: a case in Kenya, for the Extension, Education and Communication Service of the FAO, Rome.

Duffy, P.J.B. 1992. Environmental impact assessment as a catalyst for sustainable development in Mozambique. Impact Assessment Bulletin , Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.67-72.

___________. 1988. Environmental impact assessment of major Canadian water transfer proposals involving federal responsibilities. Proc. Symposium in Interbasin Transfer of Water: Impacts and Research Needs for Canada . November, 1987, Saskatoon. 10 pp.

Duffy Patrick. 1988. Achieving sustainable development in the North. Information North , Vol. 14, No. 8, 4 pp. Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary, Alberta.

Duffy, P.J.B. and P.J. Murphy. 1988. The communications predicament in Canadian forestry. Forestry Chronicle , April issue, pp. 141-145.

Duffy, P.J.B. (Ed.) 1986. Initial Assessment Guide . Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, Ottawa. 36 pp.

__________, R. Higgins, and J. O`Riordan. 1985. Northern environmental problem solving through regional planning and environmental impact assessment. Proc. Int. Society of Petroleum Biologist, Conference on Northern Hydrocarbon Development: Environmental Problem Solving . Calgary, Alberta. 12 pp.

__________. 1983. The science and technology of environmental impact assessment with particular reference to methods used in New South Wales . N.S.W. Science and Technology Council. Sydney, N.S.W. Australia. 69 pp.

Federal Environmental Assessment Panel. 1982. Wreck Cove Hydro Electric Power Project, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia . Panel Report, P. Duffy, Panel Secretary.

________________________________ . 1979, 1982, 1982a. Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Project, Yukon . Panel Reports. P. Duffy, Secretary.

_______________________________. 1981. Norman Wells Oilfield Development and Pipeline Project. Northwest Territories . Panel Report. P. Duffy, Panel Chairman.

Duffy, P.J.B. 1979. The application of ecological land classification to environmental impact assessment. In: Proc. 2nd meeting Canadian Committee on Ecological Land Classification . Environment Canada, Lands Directorate. Ottawa. Pp. 91-99.

_______________. 1979. Contributor to Environmental Impact Assessment: Principles and Procedures. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment . R.E. Munn, (Editor). Report No. 5, UNEP, UNESCO, and Environment Canada. 160 pp.

______________. 1975. Special consideration must be given to major projects in various geographic regions. Canadian Consulting Engineer . July 1975. Pp.24-30.

______________. 1975. Environmental considerations of the development of energy in Western Canada. In: Proc. Engineering Institute of Canada, Western Regional Conference , March 1975. Pp. 99-106.

______________. 1975. The development and practice of environmental impact assessment concepts in Canada . Environment Canada, Planning and Finance Service, Occasional Paper No. 4. 18 pp.

______________. 1975. Information requirements of land managers on large projects with potential for major environmental impact. In: Forest Soils and Forest Land Management . University of Laval Press, Quebec, Canada. Pp. 649-659.

______________. 1971 Canada Land Inventory at Midpoint. Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada . April, 1971. 3 pp.

_____________ and R.F. Shepherd. 1969. Australian Forestry Highlights . For. Chron. Vol. 45. 6 pp.

Gunn, R.H., R. Story, R.W. Galloway, P.J.B. Duffy, G.A. Yapp and J.R. McAlpine. 1969. Lands of the Queanbeyan – Shoalhaven Area, Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales . C.S.I.R.O. Aust. Land Resource Series No. 24. 164 pp.

Duffy, P.J.B. 1969. Forest land capability in the Queanbeyan – Shoalhaven Area, A.C.T. and New South Wales . Australian Forestry, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 195 – 2000.

________________ and Z. Nemeth. 1969. A forest land capability classification for the East Slopes Area, Alberta . Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Forestry, Information Report A-X-20, Edmonton. 20 pp.

Knight, H. and P.J.B. Duffy. 1967. A forest land capacity classification for the Marsh Head Demonstration Area . Whitecourt Forest, Alberta. Canada Dept. Forestry and rural Development, Information Report A-X-10. Edmonton. 20 pp.

Duffy, P.J.B. 1965. Relationships between site factors and growth of lodgepole pine in the Foothills Section of Alberta . Canada Dept. Forestry. Publication No. 1065. 60 pp.

__________1965. A forest land classification for the Mixedwood Section of Alberta . Canada Dept Forestry Publication No. 1128.

__________. 1964. Forest land classification in Alberta, Canada. Proc. 9th International Congress of Soil Science , Bucharest, Romania. Pp. 1093-1101.

__________. 1964. Estimation of stand volume from air photos. Proc. Seminar on aerial photo interpretation in the development of Canada . Interdepartmental Committee on Air Surveys, Vol. 5, pp. 27-36.

__________ and J.W. Fraser. 1963. Local frost occurrences in eastern Ontario woodlands . Canada Dept. Forestry Publication 1029. Pp. 24.

Day, R.J. and P.J.B. Duffy. 1963. Regeneration after logging in the Crowsnest Forest, Albera . Canada Dept. Forestry Publication No. 1008. Pp. 32.

Duffy, P.J.B. 1962. The use of soil survey reports in the appraisal of forest land productivity in Alberta . For. Chron. 38:2, pp. 208-211.

__________ and M.P. Meyer. 1962. A preliminary study of aerial volume table construction for lodgepole pine in West Central Alberta . For. Chron. 38:2, pp. 212-218.

Updated May 2024


303 - 3373 Capilano Crescent
North Vancouver, BC  V7R 4W7


Tel: (778) 340-7572  



© 2017 Patrick Duffy

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