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U.N. Development Programme 

  • Turkey - Global Environment Facility (GEF) project proposals on reducing greenhouse gases, pollution of international waterways, and conserving biodiversity.

  • Yemen and Egypt - GEF regional project proposal to protect the Red Sea Environment.

  • Brazil - GEF project proposal to sequester carbon through forest management reform in dry tropical forests of northeastern Brazil.

  • Russia - To initiate the preparation of a comprehensive environmental protection programme for the heavily industrialized Republic of Bashkortostan.

U.N. Environment Programme

  • China - Mission leader to evaluate a potential success story in desertification control in the agricultural area at Naiman Banner, Inner Mongolia, China, for the United Nations Environment Programme (Drylands Ecosystems and Desertification Control), Nairobi, Kenya.

  • Namibia - To evaluate a desertification control in a dryland ranching area.

  • Bahrain - Teacher and workshop leader at a Western Asia seminar on "Strengthening environmental legislation and institutions in West Asia".

  • Mozambique - To draft a government environmental policy and programme for the wartime period (1988) and the post-war period.

  • Zambezi River countries - To assess the readiness of the Governments of Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique to participate in the Zambezi River Basin Action Plan, signed in 1987.

  • Guyana - Environmental planning of the Eclipse Falls Small Hydro Project, on the Barima River.

World Health Organization

  • Bahrain - Needs assessment and EIA training for ministries of the Government of Bahrain, featuring a large port development.

  • Morocco - Development of an environmental health impact assessment training programme for the Kingdom of Morocco.

  • Korea - Consultant to the Ministry of Environment to improve current EIA policies and procedures.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

  • 2008 – 2011   Preparation of EIA guidelines for FAO field projects world-wide, Rome.

  • 2009-2010  International Consultant on “Adapting agriculture to climate change in Eastern Europe and Mid-Asia” for the FAO Regional Office in Budapest, Hungary.

  • Review/edit of six country reports on the status of forestry (Iran, Oman, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Mali, Namibia) for the Forestry Division.

  • Mission to Tunisia to study and report on new approaches to integrated watershed management, as well as the status in other North African and Near East countries, for the Forestry Division.

  • Preparation of proceedings for an international conference on urban and peri-urban forests, in Tehran, Iran, for the Forestry Division.

  • Consultant to the Vietnam Agriculture Research Institute to train teams in participatory rural assessment for the alleviation of poverty and environmental degradation in three provinces in northern Vietnam, for the Regional Office for Asia/Pacific.

  • Facilitator/moderator of a global electronic conference on "The alleviation of environmental impacts and costs in water resources development for agriculture," for the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Division, Rome.

  • Contract writer to prepare a website article on "The use of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in addressing chronic environmentally damaging agricultural and rural development practices: Examples from Kenya and Cambodia" , for the Research, Extension and Training Division of the FAO, Rome.

  • Contract writer to prepare a website article on "EIA training for agriculture and rural development: lessons and experience from Cambodia" , for the Research, Extension and Training Division of the FAO, Rome.

  • Contract writer to prepare a website article on "Environmental Impact Assessment Training for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: A Case in Kenya" , for the Research, Extension and Training Division of the FAO, Rome.

  • Cambodia - Mission leader in EA training needs assessment and course planning and delivery to assist the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Environment, Government of Cambodia in the preparation and execution of two one-week courses in "Environmental Impact Assessment for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development".

  • Contract writer to draft and finalize EIA guidelines for the Investment Center of the FAO.

  • Kenya - To assess the EIA training needs of the 44 district environment officers of Kenya and then plan and deliver two one-week courses on "EIA for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", at Moi University.

International Fund for Agriculture and Development (IFAD)

  • Facilitator to plan and execute a multi-stakeholder workshop for GEF funding, involving U.N. and other international agencies on the Integrated Management of Land and Water in Shared Catchments in the Transboundary Area of Niger and Nigeria.

The World Bank Group

  • Zambia - World Bank mission to assess the environmental effects of agricultural practice in Solwezi Province for IFAD and the World Bank.

  • Washington, D.C., U.S.A. - To carry out environmental reviews of projects of the International Finance Corporation.

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

  • St. Lucia - Specialist consultant to train specialists at an advanced EIA course, in the subject environmental review of environmental impact statements and related reports.



Environment Canada

  • Facilitator, public consultation with local residents on a wildlife issue in the Fraser River Delta area at Ladner, B.C., for the Canadian Wildlife Service.

  • B.C./Yukon - Planning and executing public consultation on the Federal Environment Minister`s Green Plan, and facilitating at the National Consultation Wrap-up Meeting, Ottawa.

  • Facilitator for Regional Conferences on Climatic Change:Implication to B.C. and Yukon (1988 and 1997).

  • Prairies/Northern - Preparation of a State of the Prairie Environment Report.

  • Evaluation of the Canada-Alberta Agreement on Environmental Assessment.


Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

  • Funding Review Committees for the Kitsault and Schaft Creek Mines in British Columbia.

  • Intervener funding committee member for the Delta Port Project, for the Kemess Mine Proposal, and the Bute Inlet Hydro project, all in British Columbia.

  • An evaluation of the documentation of the Environmental Assessment Panel Review of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Proposal (1977-1982) in relation to the present day Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

  • B.C./Yukon/Alberta/N.W.T. - Course planner and resource person for EIA courses for federal public servants.

  • Funding Review Committees for the Kitsault, Ajax, Shaft creek, and Spanish Mountain Mines, and for the Site C Hydro Dam and Reservoir proposals, British Columbia.

Indian Affairs and Northern Development

  • Review of the environmental screening report on the Kaska Forest Resources Timber Harvesting Agreement, for the Environment Directorate.

  • B.C. - Team leader for EIA training for First Nations tribal councils and bands in northern B.C.

International Development Research Centre

  • Advice on the EIA for numerous fish farm sites east of Phnom Penh, Cambodia for IDRC, CIDA, UBC, and Helen Keller International.   

National Defence

  • Initial Environmental Assessment for the proposed Arctic Training Centre, Nanisivik, N.W.T.

Canadian International Development Agency

  • Technical field trip planner and guide for visitor from Sri Lanka Mahawehli Project, Southern B.C. water management projects.

  • Teacher and case study leader for three courses on sustainable development and EIA for staff of the Caribbean Development Bank, Barbados.

  • Regional planner on a program development mission to the Far West Region of Nepal.



Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

  • Planner and chairman of public forums on the proposed Cinola Gold Mine, Queen Charlotte Islands.

Ministry of Sustainable Development

  • Rapporteur, Fort St. John workshop on the Muskwa-Kechika Conference Management Area.



Department of Renewable Resources

  • Preparation of a discussion paper on Tanker Safety and Marine Spills.

  • Preparation of discussion papers on forest fire detection and on forest management planning as input to a new forest policy.

  • Facilitator for a workshop on project screening, review and licensing.



Economic Development Department

  • Facilitation of the Yukon Forest Summit workshop at Whitehorse, Yukon with co-facilitator Glen Sigurdson.



Earth Water Group, New York and Accra, Ghana

  • Environmental assessment of a project to bring water to Accra.

 Northwood Forest Products, Prince George, B.C.

  • Preparation of environmental guidelines for woodlands operations in north central B.C.

Tahltan Nation Development Corporation

  • Environmental planning and permit preparation for a small hydro project at Dease Lake, B.C.

UNOCAL (Thailand)

  • Preparation of guidelines for environmental protection measures for oil and gas production for the on-shore and offshore of Thailand (1992 and 1996).

B.C. Hydro and Power Authority

  • Facilitator, Workshop on Government Environmental Assessment and Review Policies and Procedures.

  • Development of an Environmental Regulatory Management Strategy for B.C. Hydro.

  • Managed consultant teams on the environmental impact assessments of the Revelstoke Dam and Reservoir and the proposed MacGregor River Diversion.

Goldstream Urban Developers

  • Environmental forestry consultant to prepare a tree preservation plan for an urban development at Chilliwack, B.C.

COLCO Industries International Limited, Langley, B.C.

  • Environmental impact assessment of a industrial chroming and hydraulic cylinder reconditioning plant in Lima, Peru.

Stothert Engineering Limited, Vancouver.

  • Senior environmental consultant to Canadian-American consortium planning a 230 MW gas-fired power plant in south-west B.C.

H.A. Simons International Limited

  • Report finalization: "The future of Canada`s forest products industry" for Woodbridge Reed Forest Economics Consultants.

Canadian Mountain Holidays Limited

  • Planning of forestry operations which are compatible with heli-skiing activities, north of Revelstoke, B.C.






Canadian Executive Services Organization (Volunteer)

  • Volunteer Advisor on the rehabilitation of the waste management system and sanitary landfill operation for the Municipality of Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras.

  • Specialist advisor on new environmental legislation effects on large-scale exotic pine and eucalyptus plantations, for Fundacion Chile at Concepcion.

  • Advisor to the Parks Department of San Juan, Costa Rica on an urban forestry inventory of City parks.

International Centre for Sustainable Cities

  • Proposal writing for an EU waste management project in Dakar, Senegal.

  • Proposal writing on urban agriculture in Sri Lanka.

  • Project leader to carry out an operational and program review of the first five years of activity for the International Centre for Sustainable Cities and to serve as resource person in a subsequent strategic planning exercise.

  • Preparation of an independent evaluation in an on-site project report on the Landfill Operation and Garbage Recycling Project at Phuket, Thailand.

Gun Lake Ratepayers Association, B.C.

  • Consultant and facilitator to the association on conflicts with a forest products company over a proposed cutting plan.

University of British Columbia

  • Department of Geography: Sessional lecturer for three years on Environmental Quality/EIA.

  • School of Community and Regional Planning: Workshop leader on "EIA in Less Developed Countries", 1989 to 2000.

  • Centre for Human Settlements: Workshop leader on "EIA in B.C. today", 1990 to 1999.

Banff Centre, School of Environment and Resource Management

  • Keynote speaker at the 1997 Kanagawa-Banff Seminar on "Environmentally friendly urban development and the Role of local government," held at the Kanagawa Foundation for Academic and Cultural Exchange, Kanagawa, Japan.

  • Planned, directed and delivered 10 one-week long, in-residence EIA training courses for career professionals, with field trips, workshops, and simulated public hearings, over a 10 year period.

Commission for Environmental Cooperation, NAFTA Side Agreement

  • Facilitator, tri-national workshop creating the North American Bird Conservation Initiative, Puebla, Mexico.


303 - 3373 Capilano Crescent
North Vancouver, BC  V7R 4W7


Tel: (778) 340-7572  



© 2017 Patrick Duffy

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